Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do you HATE sin??...Do you even recognize it?

October 14, 2010

Do You Hate Sin?

Glynnis Whitwer

"For in his own eyes he flatters himself
too much to detect or hate his sin." Psalm 36:2 (NIV)


Recently, a publicity firm invited a group of editors of Christian publications to preview a Hollywood film. The film producers were looking to get the message of this film into churches and wanted feedback from people like me in Christian publishing.

The movie was dark, with a theme of unresolved guilt. Sadly, that guilt consumed the main character all his life, until he became a bitter old man. After we viewed the movie, the publicists turned on the lights and led a discussion. Basically, they wanted to know if we would recommend the movie to pastors. I stayed out of the conversation, because I'm a Pollyanna when it comes to movies. I like them happy and with a predictable ending. I know that's not very high-brow, but it's the truth.

However, the ensuing conversation intrigued me. Some people thought the movie was rich with important themes. They believed it would provoke thoughtful discussion. Others couldn't get past the language, and would never recommend it. One woman shared her opinion on the language with eloquence and passion.

She would never recommend it, she said, because of several instances of taking the Lord's name in vain. She defended her position by saying that too many people minimize sin. In fact, she explained, the film violated one of the Ten Commandments, to not misuse the Lord's name (Exodus 20:7).

The conversation continued with the challenge of relating to people without violating any of our beliefs. Our time together ended, and a few people got up to leave, including the woman who spoke against the movie. After she left however, another conversation began when a college-aged woman spoke up.

"My friends and I would never be bothered by the misuse of God's name," she said. "But we should." We sat in silence digesting her words.

That comment plays and replays in my mind. The honesty of that young woman touched me, as she identified a serious problem among those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus: we tolerate sin. In fact, at times we even re-label it as "normal." I know there's a fine line between being in the culture but not of the culture. But that's not the root of this issue.

That young woman identified the real source: our hearts. We are going to be around sin until we get to heaven. Sin is woven in our human fiber. That's not the issue. The issue is what I think about it. Do I hate anything that sets itself up against God or His character? Do I hatesin?

I guess there's a part of me that shies away from the word "hate." I've taught my children not to use it, and I guard my own thoughts and tongue. Yet in doing so I've tamed my response to something that separates me from God. I've weakened my response and dulled my senses to that which God hates. He hates it because it takes me away from Him. And He loves me...and He loves you.

Call it old-school religion, but it's time for me to reexamine my response to that which God hates. It's time to settle in my heart whose side I'm on. It's time to decide if I will ignore or hate sin. Yep. It's time.

Dear Heavenly Father, break my heart with the things that break Yours. Remove from me any tolerance for the things that oppose You. You are holy and righteous and worthy of any sacrifice I might offer. Forgive me for tolerating the thing that caused the death of my beloved Savior, Jesus. In His Name and for His sake, Amen.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This is an article I read this morning:

I was reading the introduction to a book about William Penn, founder
of Pennsylvania. The introduction was written by James Scott Brady,
the man who was shot by John Hinckley Jr. in an attempt to assassinate
former President Ronald Reagan. His introduction was titled "On
Facing Adversity."

Here is the excerpt that inspired me. I hope it inspires others.

"To people who face and defeat daunting obstacles, "Ambition" is not
becoming wealthy or famous or winning elections or awards. Words like
"ambition" and "achievement " and "success" take on very different
meanings. The objective is just to live, to wake up every morning. The
goals are not lofty; they are very ordinary.

"My own heros are ordinary folks -- but they accomplish extraordinary
things because they try. My greatest hero is my wife, Sarah. She's
accomplished a lot of things in life, but two stand out. The first has
been the way she has cared for me and our son since I was shot. A
tremendous tragedy and burden was dropped unexpectedly into her life,
totally beyond her control and without justification. She could have
given up; instead, she focused her energies on preserving our family
and returning our lives to normal as much as possible. Week by week,
month by month, year by year, she has not reached for the miraculous,
just for the normal. Yet in focusing on the normal, she has helped
accomplish the miraculous." (page 8)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What would YOU do?

You want another post, so here goes:


What would you do and why:

If your spouse asked you to do something that you felt was wrong...(not illegal, just not appropriate in your eyes/heart)


-Spouse asks you to take part in a Gay Pride event even though you think that being gay isn't something to take pride in.
-Husband asks you to wear a bikini to the beach even though it makes you very uncomfortable as you think it is too revealing and that God wouldn't approve.
-Spouse wants you to go to a wilder type of bar with co workers in order to promote themself with their boss.

You can make up your own scenario. Basically, the question is what is the balance between your own personal ethics and your commitment to submit to your spouse?

I look forward to hearing from you! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Remembering Ken

I was in the ER yesterday and was drawing blood from an older gentleman. He started asking me questions...

-What does an E-C-G test?
-What is an E-K-G?
- What is an E-G-G?

I said: you mean, E_E_G?

No, he replied, what is an E_G_G?

I said that I didn't know, to which he replied: It's an EGG!! Ha!

Now, I'm realising that this joke doesn't translate well to print...but, anyway, when he told me the punchline, I just stared at him. "Ken Miller!!" was what I thought. It warmed my heart and made me a little sad too! I miss you Ken!---and your corny jokes! :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Old pic's...beginning of reno...

Just noticing the old lino...the tile sure looks better!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Year

Like any other year, this year has been full of ups and downs. There have been many changes--at work and at home. I have been very thankful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. He just knows when to send his angels to minister to His children. He has, upon occasion, sent a whole army of angels our way! LOL

Most of this year has been focussed on renovations...inside and out--All beginning with the shingling in May. It has been a humbling learning experience. I have gotten to know some people in a much deeper way by working beside them. That is a blessing.

Right now I am waiting for the "stipple guy" to come. It will be so nice to have things looking clean and fresh and white. How nice it will be to be looking that way, myself, when I go home to be with God. How exciting for Auntie Evie to be happy and free right now!! I'll miss hearing her say: "I pray for you and your girls every night!"

Anyway!! Sometime I will post pictures of the reno's... (don't hold your breath!)